With the occurrence of mass casualty shootings seemingly on the rise; knife attacks and terrorism, schools across the country have become painfully aware of how vulnerable they are to attack. Whether from a disgruntled attendee or from an outside source, houses of schools are unfortunately vulnerable to such attacks. However, Todd Rassa Training offers discrete services that can help “fortify” the school from attack and prevent the loss of life and the negative media attention that follows. Our services are based on over 10 years of experience in the Threat Assessment and Threat Management fields. TRT offers a complete Crisis Mitigation Program. This process involves our conducting a Threat Assessment, as well as, a vulnerability assessment of your school, which includes its professors, board members and administrative personnel. Finally, we will provide suggestions to mitigate the threat (and physical security if the situation warrants it). We operate in an extremely discreet manner and do not publish our client’s information. If your school is need of our services please do not hesitate to reach out to us.